My new career is writing part time, but I think about writing on a full time basis. I belong to the Steeple Street Poetry Group in Mashpee, MA, a group as serious about their poetry as they are about life. I participate in readings both with the Steeple Street Poets and at the Cotuit Center for the Arts during their "Salon of Shorts."
My biggest accomplishment was a textbook I wrote during a sabbatical from Pembroke Academy. America Studied contains lessons that teach American history through my original poetry. The lessons encourage active learning, have formative and summative assessment (with answers) and follow the Core Standards.
I also took a class with Ernest Thompson for two years, writing plays and participating in his play-writing workshop. I learned a lot from Ernest, especially how to focus on specifics. He also taught us relevant dialogue, which I add to many poems for the element of immediacy.
I taught English for 22 years, 16 of those at the high school level from literacy to AP Lit. I love teaching, and after being out of education for a year, I decided to lead poetry workshops on the Cape. This new adventure is a work in progress and something I will start in January, 2018.
My education focused on writing. I earned my Masters degree from Norwich University with a Master's thesis titled "Thinking Language, Writing Thoughts: Teaching Children to Think about Language." I received my Bachelor Degree from Hartwick College with a major in English and a minor in Sociology.
I enjoy writing. I enjoy teaching. I enjoy learning. Now my past is my future as I move forward with my writing career.

My favorite novelists: Darn. There are too many, but these come to mind first: Michael Connelly, John Steinbeck, Kurt Vonnegut, John Grisham,
John Irving, Charles Dickens
Watching: I can't believe I love AGT. Whhaaat?